Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Long Nightmare May Be Coming To an End

The Supreme Court has upheld the ban on the ghastly practice of partial birth abortion. This marks the first time that the Supremes have upheld a total ban on a specific abortion procedure. This is a cause for celebration. Look out, Roe!

Praise the Lord! America might be on her way to a better day.

-- Psycheout

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Psycheout Not (Yet) Banned from Daily Kos

Actually we've had a decent discussion over at Kossak HQ. But I'm a little disappointed that Kossites, like the MyDD Borg, did not get my subtle joke:

As to the 2008 election, may the best man win!

I don't have to explain to you, dear readers, that Hillary is not a man, contrary to popular belief. And, as far as I know, she's not a shape-shifting reptilian, either.

-- Psycheout